Welcome 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Terms of Service Agreement ("Agreement"). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions apply to your use 菲中企业家合作交流协会 provided by the enterprises (B-TO-B) electronic markets to trade and exchange in various kinds of tools and services (the "Service").
1. Accept the terms and conditions.
In any way into the 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website, you agree that they have with 菲中企业家合作交流协会to enter into this Agreement, and you will be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement ("Terms") constraints. 菲中企业家合作交流协会 sole discretion at any time to change "clause." Such as "terms" of any change, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 will be published on its Website notice, notice to you. If you do not agree to change, you must stop using "service." The revised "terms" upon the 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website after the announcement, immediately take effect automatically. You should carefully read the first sign in the revised "terms", with an option to stop the use of "service"; if you continue to use "service", it means you have accepted the revised "terms", when you 菲中企业家合作交流协会 event of a dispute, the latest service agreement should prevail. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, any so that the "service" or expand the scope of the new content enhancements is governed by this agreement constraints. Unless 菲中企业家合作交流协会 senior management of the authority enter into a written agreement, the agreement shall not be amended.

2. Who can use the 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website?
"Service" only according to relevant laws and legally binding contract entered into individuals or companies. Therefore, you must be eighteen years of age or over, can use our services. If the item does not meet the conditions, do not use "services." 菲中企业家合作交流协会 its sole discretion at any time refuse to provide any "service." "Service" will not be provided to temporary or permanent suspension of eligibility 菲中企业家合作交流协会 member.

3. Charges.
The Company reserves to notify you under section 1, the charge "service" the cost of rights. Your transactions due to the Company access to paid services, or access to the Company server and place all payable taxes, as well as related hardware, software, telecommunications, network services and other costs are your own. The Company reserves without written notice, only 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website publicity, temporarily or permanently change or suspend part or all of the "service" right.

4.菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website only as a trading place.
The company's Website only as a user to identify trading partners to the transactions of goods and services, consultations, and access to various trade-related services in the location. However, the company can not control the exchange of goods involved in the quality, safety or legality of the authenticity or accuracy of trade information and trade counterparties to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement ability. The Company can not and will not be able to fulfill the agreement the parties control the trade obligations. In addition, you should note that, with foreign nationals, minors or persons acting fraudulently trading risk are an objective reality.

5.Your information and for trading goods.
"Your information" includes your registration, process transactions or items listed in any public forum or through any e-mail to other users of the Company or any of the information, including data, text, software, music, sound , photos, pictures, images, words, or other materials. You are responsible for "your information" bear full responsibility, and the company only for your online distribution and publication "Your information" as a passive conduit. However, if the company that "your information" may expose the Company to any legal or moral responsibility, or may enable the Company (in whole or in part) the loss of the company's Internet service providers or other suppliers of services, or you do not 菲中企业家合作交流协会 logged within the period specified or re-visit the website, the sole discretion of the Company to "your information" to the Company considers necessary or any appropriate action, including but not limited to delete such information. You hereby warrant that you submitted to 菲中企业家合作交流协会 "your information" own all rights, including all copyrights. You acknowledge, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 has no responsibility to identify or decide you submit information to the Company which is should be protected, and on the enjoyment of "services" other users " your information ", the Company need not responsible.

5.1 registration obligations.
If you 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website up, you agree that:
(a) roots under 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website contains membership information request form, providing information on you or your company's true, accurate, complete and reflect the current situation;
(b) maintain and promptly update the information to keep it true, accurate, complete and reflect the current situation. If you provide any untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or does not reflect the current situation of the information or 菲中企业家合作交流协会 there are reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate , incomplete or does not reflect the current situation, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 have the right to suspend or terminate your registration status and information, and refuse your current or future "services" ( or any part thereof) in any form. If you represent a company or other legal entity registered in the company, you represent and warrant that you have the right to make the company or other legal entity subject to the agreement "clause" constraints.

5.2 The member name, password, and confidential.
During the registration process, you will choose member name and password. You are solely responsible for your member name and password confidential, and shall be on your member name and password for all activities that occur under the responsibility. You agree to:
(a) If any unauthorized use of your member name or password, or the occurrence of breach of confidentiality in any other circumstances, you will immediately notify 菲中企业家合作交流协会;
(b) ensure that you end each online session, the correct steps to leave the site. 菲中企业家合作交流协会 can not and will result of your failure to comply with the provisions of this paragraph for any loss or damage.

5.3 Information about your rules.
You agree that "your information" and you for the 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website of any transaction "article" (according to the law refers to all available transactions, tangible or invisible to the existence of various forms of a specific item, or a right or interest, or some kind of instrument or security, or a service or behavior. this Agreement "goods" is inclusive of the meaning)

a. there will be no fraud, theft and sale of counterfeit or not involved;
b. does not infringe any third party property rights enjoyed this article, or copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, or privacy, reputation;
c. does not violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including but not limited to regulate the export management, trade quotas, consumer protection, unfair competition or false advertising laws, regulations, ordinances or regulations);
d. do not contain slander (including commercial defamation), illegal harassment, intimidation or illegal content;
e. do not contain obscene, or contain any child pornography;
f. do not contain the deliberate destruction, malicious interference, secretly intercept or occupation of any system, data or personal information of any virus, disguised destruction programs, computer worms, time bombs or other computer program procedures;
g. will not directly or indirectly, the goods or services with the following connections, or contains the following description of the goods or services:
 (i) prohibited under this Agreement, goods or services; or
 (ii) you do not have connections or include goods or services.
In addition, you agree not to:
(h) in connection with any chain letters, a large number of random e-mail, spamming or any copy or redundant information relating to the use of "service";
(i) without the consent of other parties, the use of "service" to collect other people's e-mail address and other information; or
(j) use of "service" making a false e-mail address, or otherwise attempt to send the person's identity or the source of information to mislead other parties.

5.4 prohibited items.
You may not publish on our website or through the sale of the company's Website:
(a) may make the company violates any relevant laws, regulations, ordinances or regulations of any article; or
(b) 菲中企业家合作交流协会 that should be banned or not suitable for sale through this website any items.

6. You grant the right to use the company's permission.
You grant the Company exclusive, universal, permanent, free license to use the right (and right in many aspects of the right to sublicense), to have the right (in whole or in part) use, copy amend, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, perform and display "your information" or create derivative works, and / or now known or later developed any form, media or technology, "your information" into other works.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6 of the license rights, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 will only be based on the company's privacy statement to use "your information." All of our privacy statement terms of belonging to a part of this agreement, so you must carefully read. Please note, once you voluntarily 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Disclosure of trading places "your information", such information can be obtained and used by other people.

8.Trading program.
8.1 Add product description entries.
Product description provided by you in 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website to display the text description, pictures and / or photos, can be
(a) you have and you want to sell the product description; or
(b) of the product you are looking for a description. You can 菲中企业家合作交流协会 website description of any products, or both types simultaneously released on the condition that, you must describe the products classified in the correct class Head inside.
菲中企业家合作交流协会 does not describe the accuracy of the product or content.

8.2 The consultation on the transaction.
Parties to the transaction by 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website clearly describes the offer and back plate, to consult each other. All parties to accept the offer or back panel will involved 菲中企业家合作交流协会 to the client to complete the transaction. Except in special circumstances, such as user-hours in your report substantive changes made to the item description or clarification of any text entry error, or you are unable to confirm the identity of users involved in the transaction, etc., offers and commitments are not allowed to withdraw .

8.3 to process transactions disputes.
The Company will not and can not be involved in the transaction among the parties into the transaction. If you and one or more users, or through our Website you access to its services in the event of a dispute third party service provider, you remove the 菲中企业家合作交流协会 (and the Company's agents and employees) arising by reason of such dispute, or in any way with such disputes relating to different types and nature of any (actual and consequential) claims, demands and damages, etc. responsibility.

8.4 Use common sense.
The Company can not and tries to other users through the "service" to control the information provided. By their very nature, other user information may be offensive, harmful or inaccurate, and in some cases may be identified with the wrong description or fraudulent identity with instructions. We hope that you are using our site, be careful and use common sense.

9.Trading system.

9.1 Trading system.
You agree not to use to help achieve deceive or intent to deceive associates (under the customer or a third party), to manipulate the results of the other parties to the transaction carried out by commercial negotiations.

9.2 System Integrity.
You agree that you shall not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website or in the normal operation of the Company in any transaction on the site . You will not take any unreasonable or disproportionately large load imposed on the structure of the company's network operations. You shall not disclose your password to any third party, or share your password to any third party, or for any unauthorized use of your password purposes.

9.3 feedbacks.
You may not take any information feedback system could undermine the integrity of the action, such as: the use of the second or the third party member identity to leave positive feedback for your own; use the second identity member or third party for other users to leave negative feedback (the bombing of the feedback data); or trading range in the user fails to perform some action other than to leave negative feedback (feedback maliciously imposed.)

9.4 are not for commercial exploitation.
You agree that you may not make commercial use of any information, including but not limited to, without 菲中企业家合作交流协会 authorized prior written approval of senior management of the case, replication 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website and any information on the display for commercial purposes.

10. To terminate or restrict access.
You agree that 菲中企业家合作交流协会 is not charged to your case, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 sole discretion, may for any reason (including but not limited to 菲中企业家合作交流协会 that you have violated this agreement in letter and spirit, or that you do not meet the literal meaning of this Agreement and the spirit of act in a manner, or more than 90 days you have not the time to your account and password to log Website) to terminate your "service" password, account (or any part thereof) or your "service" use, and remove and discard your use of "service" submitted "your information." You agree that 菲中企业家合作交流协会 to your case charges, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 should be based on reasonable suspicion and by e-mail notice to terminate services to implement the above behavior. 菲中企业家合作交流协会 at the same time its sole discretion, in the notice or without notice, at any time cease to provide "service" or any part thereof. You agree that, under any provision of this Agreement to terminate your use of "service" not to issue the measures may be implemented prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 immediately so that your account is invalid, or cancel your account and all your account information and files, and / or prevent you from further access to such files or the "Service." Account termination, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 no obligation for you to retain the original account of or related to any information, or forward any information that has not been read or sent to you or third parties. In addition, you agree, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 will not terminate your access to "service" to you or any third party responsible. 12,13,14 and 22 of each section shall continue after termination of this Agreement.

11. Violation of the rules, what will happen?
Without limiting other remedies under the premise of any of the following conditions occur, the Company may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, permanently suspend or terminate your membership, delete any of your existing product information, and your Website any other information displayed:
(i) your breach of this Agreement;
(ii) the Company is unable to verify or identify you to any information provided by the Company; or
(iii) The Company believes that your actions may cause you, our users or by the Company or the company's Website services provided by any third party service provider liability. Without limiting any other remedies under the premise that if you are engaged in fraud involving the company's Website activities, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 may suspend or terminate your account.

12. Services "as is" available.
The Company will make every effort to make your use of 菲中企业家合作交流协会 Website have fun in the process. Unfortunately, the company can not always foresee any technical problems or other difficulties. These difficulties may lead to data loss or other service interruptions. To do this, you expressly understand and agree that you use the "service" at your own risk. "Service" to "as is" and "press availability" basis. 菲中企业家合作交流协会 expressly disclaims all warranties, express any kind made or implied, including but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, etc. aspects of assurance. 菲中企业家合作交流协会 does not guarantee the contents of the following:
(i)"Service" will meet your requirements;
(ii) "service" will not be interrupted, and the timely, safe and without any errors;
(iii) by using the "service" to get the results that may be accurate or reliable;
(iv) you to "service" and to purchase or acquire any product, service, information or other materials, the quality will meet your expectations. Through the use of "service" and download or otherwise obtain any materials is carried out at your own discretion and risk associated with this at your own, the result of any such material that you download to your computer system occurred in the any damage or loss of any data, you will bear responsibility. You from 菲中企业家合作交流协会 or through or from the "service" for any oral or written advice or information, are not produced is not expressly stated in this Agreement of any guarantee .

13. Responsibility.
You expressly understand and agree that, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 not due to any of the following circumstances occur liable for any damages, including but not limited to, profits, goodwill, use, of data, loss or other damages for intangible losses (whether 菲中企业家合作交流协会 has been told whether the possibility of such damages):
(i) the use or inability to use "service";
(ii)due to through or from "service" to purchase or acquire any goods, samples, data, information or services, or through or from the "service" to receive any information or enter into any transactions which are for the cost of substitute goods and services;
(iii) unauthorized access or alteration of your transmissions or data information;
(iv) any third party on the "service" statement or on the "service" behavior; or for any reason due to the "service" to any other matters, including negligence.

14. Compensation.
You agree that, due to your breach of this Agreement or are incorporated by reference in this and other documents of this Agreement, or because you violate the law or infringes on the rights of third parties, leaving the third party 菲中企业家合作交流协会 and its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, claims (including judicial expenses and other professional fees), you must pay compensation to 菲中企业家合作交流协会 and its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, etc. from their losses.

15.Comply with the law.
You shall comply with your use of "service", and you bid, buy and sell any goods and the provision of business information on all relevant laws, regulations, rules and regulations.

16. No agency relationship.
You 菲中企业家合作交流协会 only independent contractor relationship. The agreement has no intention to form or create any agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchisor and was awarded the relationship.

17. Advertising and financial services.
You in the "service" or through "service" to identify those communications or the advertising business with or participation in promotions, including the relevant payment and delivery of goods or services related to goods or services, and associated with such business any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations, only you and those between the advertisements. You agree that any such business or for the "service" who appear on the advertising of any kind incurred any loss or damage, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 not be responsible or bear any responsibility. If you are going through the "service" to create or participate with any companies, stock quotes, investments or securities of any service, or through the "service" to receive or request any companies, stock quotes, investments or securities of any news and information, warning of information or other information, please note that, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 will not through the "service" of any such information to send the accuracy, usefulness or availability, profitability responsible or liable for any liability and shall not be made based on such information for any trading or investment decision-making responsibility or bear any responsibility.

"Service" or other third parties may provide links to Websites or resources. As 菲中企业家合作交流协会 does not control such sites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 and such external sites or resources not responsible for the availability of such sites or resources and does not recognized or available from such sites or resources for any content, information, products, services or other materials, or other responsible or liable for its any responsibility. You further acknowledge and agree that any use of or reliance on such sites or resources from the access of such content, information, products, services or other materials caused by (or claimed to result in) any direct or indirect losses, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 shall not be liable.

19. Notifications.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any notice shall be sent by e-mail, (to 菲中企业家合作交流协会 purposes) E-mail address for the site domain name suffix of the address, or (in your case) sent to you during the registration process to 菲中企业家合作交流协会 provided by the e-mail address, or such other parties specified address. E-mail sent in the twenty-four (24) hours after notice shall be deemed to have been served, unless the sender is informed the relevant e-mail address is invalid. Alternatively, the Company may by registered mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested manner, the notice sent to your registration process to 菲中企业家合作交流协会 provided by the address. In that case, posted off the day in three (3) days after the notice is deemed to have delivered.

20. Force Majeure.
The result of the Company causes beyond the reasonable control, including but not limited to, natural disasters, strikes or disturbances, material shortages or rationing, riots, acts of war, government action, communication or other facilities such as failure or serious casualties, resulting in the Company delay or failure to perform, 菲中企业家合作交流协会 does not assume any responsibility for your.

21. Transfer.
菲中企业家合作交流协会 assign this Agreement without your consent.

22. Other provisions.
This Agreement supersedes you and 菲中企业家合作交流协会 on the same issues previously entered into any written or oral agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by various laws of the PRC mainland. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision should be withdrawn and the remaining provisions should be implemented. Headings are for convenience only and refer to and shall not in any way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of the provision. The Company is not for you or other persons of a breach of contract action does not mean that the withdrawal of the Company in respect of any subsequent event of default or similar right to take action.

23. Litigation.
Result of this agreement or our services, or arising from any dispute relating to court proceedings should be the Malaysian Government law as governing law.